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Beginners Guide - Inventory and Gremory Case

On our server, there are several inventory UIs and inventories for different functions.


1. Event belongings (shortcut: Ctrl+V): This is the space where some event items, such as 'muun' eggs, card pieces, etc. are stored.

2. MUUN INVENTORY (hotkey: Y): This is a space where you can store the 'muuns' acquired using 'muuns' eggs

3. Inventory (shortcut: I or V): It is a space to store items acquired through hunting or exchange between players.

- You can expand your belongings using a magic backpack by purchasing it through Shop-X

4. Gremory Case (Shortcut: K): This is a space where you can check the reward items obtained through the event map and website rewards.

Additionally, some items, > Goods paid for transfer to this server, rewards from BC,DS, etc., will be paid in Gremory cases.

- If the storage number is exceeded, the first item received will be deleted.

When the item's receipt period ends, it is automatically deleted (Number of items that can be stored: 50)

- Items deleted from the Gremory case cannot be restored.

Posted FriPM-03E_April-0300RAprPM-03
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